Rechargeable Fan QRF-2912 3in1
- Battery: 6V4.5Ah
- Rating current: 1A±10%
- Rotation speed: 1300RPM±10%
- Size of blade: 278mm±3%
- Height:475mm
- Duration time: 5hr/High, 21hr/Low
- Fan speed: Low/Mid/High
- Light: 2 settings, bright LED x 6
- Input: DC 9V x1
- Output: USB 5V x1, DC 6V x2,
- Solar panel: 9V6W x1
- Bulb: 6V3W x2
Products Information
- With over-discharge and 0ver-charge protection
- AC/DC auto change over
- Night light
- With wall mounted kits
- USB 5V charger
- DC 9V input available for for solar charging
- Multi-angle tilting
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